Monday, March 30, 2009

Police Report Made Successfully

Update (2 Apr 2009): I have news that the police is consolidating all the reports. Don't be surprised if they called you up to head down to assist in their investigations. Please email me once you received their call and I will guide everyone along ;)

We have successfully made a report on 27 March 2009 at Cantonment Complex. If you are one of her victims, logon to and make an online police report. Mention the following report number to support the case:-


As and when, the police may call you up to go down to take a statement. Thus if you are uncomfortable with that, DO NOT make a police report. I am still waiting for the update from the police, hence we are not heading to Small Claims Tribunal at this point of time. I understand that the police are calling up some of the victims already, they are already taking action :) Kudos to everyone.

By the way, is NOT affiliated to this K-sayuri Scam blog.

I hate to write this, but I am really angry about it. I don't know who created this blog and I have reminded the owner numerous times that disclosing of personal details will get us into trouble and will be a hinder to our case. I understand that she is one of the victims. I don't know what was her motive for doing so. So to the owner, do kindly remove all the personal details of the scammer. If the scammer founds out, she CAN bring all of us to court. If you just wanted to bring across the awareness and help me on this, direct everyone to this blog instead and don't jump on the bandwagon. We can work hand in hand.

This will be my last reminder. If anything goes wrong, I will drop this case as I do not want to get myself into trouble as well.


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